Ayurved Doctor

Ayurved Home Remedies

Rheumatic Fever- Ayurvedic Treatment

Rheumatic fever and commonly known as Amavata Jwara in Ayurveda is a kind of fever where patients get fever along with swelling and joint pain.

Symptoms: Rheumatic Fever usually comes along with cold and pain in the primary joints like back and knee, elbow, etc. With the rise in temperature, the patient gets pain in joints along with muscles. Loss of appetite, laziness, and loss of taste are few more symptoms in Rheumatic Fever.

Ayurvedic Treatment: As per Ayurveda Rheumatic Fever attack a person because of the imbalance in digestive power in the body. Therefore, Ayurveda suggests toning up digestive system can treat Rheumatic Fever. Usually, Arogyavardhini tablets are prescribed by Ayurvedic Doctors. It can be taken thrice daily along with hot water and honey. Along with this one ounce of Maharasanadi Quatha and 1gm of Yogaraja Churna are also recommended to take thrice a day along with hot water and honey.